Before the CDU federal party conference in Dresden, the deputy party chairman Christian Wulff warned the Union against a shift to the left.

Ocak 19, 2020 Kapalı ile admin

Before the CDU federal party conference in Dresden, the deputy party chairman Christian Wulff warned the Union against a shift to the left.

Against the background of his “40 years of commitment and all the anger that one still has today – even with the media that report incorrectly about me”, the sum is “then again appropriate”. The former Federal President does not want to do without the honorary salary nor to his office or employee: “I have the smallest and most modest office,” said Wulff, referring to his ongoing work for the Federal Republic of Germany. He has “very, very many functions, very, very many offices”, makes trips abroad for the Federal Republic of Germany and receives guests from all over the world. “The office is busy,” said Wulff. When asked whether it was appropriate for a former head of state to work for private companies, he said that everything should be done in the German interest. “I don’t do anything that has to do with my previous job, with German authorities or the administration, where there could be a conflict of interests.” Wulff works as a lawyer and advises German and foreign companies. Ultimately, Wulff emphasized that although he would have liked to remain Federal President, he did not want to put his feet up after leaving office. He expects to understand that he will continue to apply the knowledge he has acquired in ten years of study and two state exams. The program “Klamroths Konter” is available on and TVNOW and also as a podcast on iTunes, Spotify and Deezer and via the RSS feed everywhere else where you like to listen to podcasts. Source:, mba “Rajendra Pachauri, the former head of the IPCC, is on trial for sexual harassment. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) One year later Beginning of the #MeToo movement in the USA, the hashtag also reaches India.

There, high-ranking politicians and entrepreneurs have to justify the allegations of sexual harassment. For one of them the process now begins. The former head of the IPCC is on trial for sexual harassment. After the indictment was read out, Rajendra Kumar Pachauri pleaded “not guilty”.

So said the plaintiff’s attorney, Prashant Mendiratta. The 78-year-old resigned from chairing the IPCC in February 2015 after a researcher at the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) accused him of sexual harassment, who testified that Pachauri had made physical advances and wrote her suggestive messages after starting work at the institute in 2013. Another colleague from Pachauris reported in 2016 that she had been sexually harassed by him and that Pachauri faces at least five years in prison if found guilty. The case became known before the #MeToo movement reached India.

In recent weeks, however, it has repeatedly been a topic of discussion on social media. A senior Indian politician also resigned last week. The State Secretary in the Foreign Ministry, MJ Akbar, resigned after a journalist accused him of sexual harassment. Source:, psa / dpa “News and information at a glance. Collection of articles by on Christian Wulff Christian Wulff has already experienced many ups and downs, both politically and privately, but he is the man who takes the troubles of the plain on himself. The CDU won in Lower Saxony mainly because of Christian Wulff, the SPD owes its defeat mainly to Wolfgang Jüttner.

If you believe the latest opinion polls, Prime Minister Christian Wulff could lean back and relax now. Shortly before the state elections on January 27, there is nothing to suggest a change of government, but there are many indications that the black-yellow coalition in Lower Saxony will continue. The SPD is at the center of the CDU party congress – not as a coalition partner, but as an opponent. “I don’t trust the brothers,” says Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Christian kill a mockingbird literary analysis essay According to a survey, the CDU in Lower Saxony under Prime Minister Christian Wulff can count on a clear victory in the state elections next January despite slight losses.

In the discussion about a nationwide uniform smoking ban, Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Christian Wulff relies on voluntariness. Edmund Stoiber, on the other hand, wants a legal ban in Bavaria. Before the CDU federal party conference in Dresden, the deputy party chairman Christian Wulff warned the Union urgently against a shift to the left. Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Wulff separates from his wife Christiane. He says journalists have met a new partner.

They part in friendship, with respect and respect for the other. The deputy CDU chairman Christian Wulff has expressed considerable doubts whether the grand coalition will succeed in a fundamental health reform. Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Christian Wulff introduces himself to Volkswagen boss Bernd Pischetsrieder.

The Porsche boss Wiedeking has no ambitions at the Pischetsrieders chair. “” News and information at a glance. Collection of articles from on Christian Wulff Selçuk’s political role models are Gerhard Schröder, Christian Wulff and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The taxi driver explains why this is so on his way through Hamburg’s dense inner-city traffic. By Julian Vetten, Hamburg The debate keeps coming back. Do immigrants have to orient themselves towards German culture.

The majority of Germans say yes. The uncertainty is still great. Thousands of Issio Ehrich come to Leipzig for the Catholic Day. Christians look forward to encounters of a special kind.

Because the church is anything but self-evident in East Germany. With its anti-Islam program, the AfD is fueling the old question of whether Islam belongs to Germany. Union faction leader Kauder has a clear opinion on this, but he differentiates: Islam no, Muslim fellow citizens yes. The people also express themselves.

Former President Christian Wulff has had difficult times. But now he seems determined to look ahead. In an interview he talks about his plans, thirst for revenge and the reconciliation with his wife. Joseph Blatter is still FIFA President and now wants to travel to the draw for the World Cup qualifying groups. In connection with the host country Qatar in 2022, he makes violent comments about the German ex-President Wulff.

After his resignation as Federal President, Christian Wulff has already embarked on a new career as a lawyer. Another job is now being added. The new employer is particularly happy about the “network” from Wulff’s time as a politician. “Since 2015, the South Korean Hoesung Lee has headed the IPCC. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) The IPCC publishes a special report on the subject of land use and food safety.

It is about how land use such as agriculture and the clearing of forests increases global warming, but also endangers the food of more than 5.5 billion people worldwide – even if the IPCC works quietly most of the time to get out of one By compiling the latest findings on climate change with a large number of studies and statistics, he repeatedly provides important impulses in the climate debate with such reports. What is the IPCC? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was founded in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Organization (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Its task is to inform politicians neutrally about the scientific findings on climate change and about possible countermeasures. The IPCC consists of 195 countries, each of which sends experts who independently prepare reports and have the final say on them. How is the IPCC organized? Consequences of climate change. The IPCC reports are compiled by thousands of scientists, including climate and marine researchers, statisticians, economists and health experts.

The IPCC does not conduct its own research on climate change, but evaluates thousands of studies and summarizes the key findings. The studies used have generally gone through the so-called peer review process – that is, they have been assessed by other scientists. Exceptions are only permitted in justified cases, such as regional studies without external review or special official statistics. In addition, there are several thousand scientific reviewers registered with the IPCC who can submit comments or criticism on all statements in the reports. Which reports does the IPCC publish? Every five to six years, the IPCC publishes comprehensive overviews of the current state of climate research, which are usually around 1500 pages long.

The first IPCC report was published in 1990, the most recent, a special report on the 1.5 degree target, at the beginning of October 2018. The regular reports are each compiled by three working groups: one presents the scientific findings on climate change, the second highlights the Consequences of global warming and the third shows options for action. In addition to its regular publications, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change also prepares special reports on certain aspects of climate change. A special report on changes in the world’s oceans and permafrost areas is to be presented as early as September 2019. The IPCC prepares a summary for political decision-makers for each report. This is edited in several rounds – first by scientists, then by government representatives.

The final draft of the report’s summary is presented to the IPCC plenary, which goes through the text line-by-line and finally passes it by consensus. Governments can obtain changes to the summary – but only if the new wording is supported by the scientific evidence in the report. How is the work of the IPCC assessed? The IPCC is commended for providing decision-makers with important and reliable information through its in-depth study of climate change. In 2007, the panel was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize together with the former US Vice President and climate protection campaigner Al Gore. With minor errors in its reports, however, the IPCC repeatedly delivered ammunition to skeptics who question the panel’s competence and accuse it of bias. Some scientists accuse the IPCC of being too conservative in assessing risks and thus contributing to an underestimation of the dangers of climate change. Source:, Marlowe Hood, AFP “” Wind instead of coal is one of the demands of the IPCC. (Photo: dpa) Fossil energy is cheap, climate-friendly electricity is almost unaffordable – a line of argument that is no longer tenable. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change calculates that the energy transition would be almost frighteningly cheap – and warns against oversleeping it. Despite the threatening rise in greenhouse gas emissions, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) still sees a chance to get global warming under control. In their latest report, scientists recommend a quick and significant shift in investments: away from the extraction and combustion of coal, gas and oil – towards climate-friendly energies.

A key message is that this switch is not as expensive as many people suspect. According to IPCC calculations, with economic growth of 1.6 to 3 percent per year, it is down by around 0.06 percentage points. “It doesn’t cost the world to save the planet,” said Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chairman of the current IPCC report. The new economic argument also sparked enthusiasm among many environmental protection organizations. Because it could convince all those politicians who feared a weakening of the economy of their country through more climate protection. “This is the threshold for a breakthrough,” said Karsten Smid for Greenpeace. “If you take that seriously, it will lead to an economic upheaval.” The technology for renewable energies is mature, available and affordable today.

Another advantage is that there is less air pollution, which is already playing a major role in China, for example. In addition, the energies are safer for humans and nature than, for example, atmospheric power. So far, it has been a political goal to keep global warming below two degrees – calculated in comparison to the temperature before industrialization. In this margin, climate change with melting glaciers, rising sea levels and extreme weather is considered manageable.

However, the follow-up costs extend to new challenges such as climate refugees, but the world is far away from the two-degree target. According to the IPCC, between 2000 and 2010 there was the strongest increase in emissions in the past 30 years – despite many climate protection efforts. Worldwide efforts are simply not enough. If the states continue as before, the IPCC predicts a warming of 3.7 to 4.8 degrees by the year 2100.

In order to prevent this scenario, the world must cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 to 70 percent by the middle of the century and bring them to almost zero by 2100 – the recommendation to politicians. The latest IPCC report shows that climate protection is possible and financially, emphasizes Samantha Smith of the environmental foundation WWF. Anyone who now says that this is too difficult or too expensive is wrong, she added. For investors this means: “Get your money out of fossil fuels”. Coal and gas underground are no longer worth anything if they are not politically wanted – and would also be considered ecological madness. Researcher Oliver Geden from the Science and Politics Foundation is more skeptical about the impact of the current report – also with a view to the major world climate conference 2015 in Paris. “Politically, that is not very convincing,” says the energy policy expert.

The report by former World Bank chief economist Nicholas Stern, who already classified climate protection as economically sensible in 2006, did not change much in political practice. The new report repeats the “five to twelve rhetoric” of earlier IPCC reports, Geden criticized. This message is useful for politicians. Source:, jve / dpa “” Floods, like here in Austria in 2013, become more frequent in the course of extreme weather conditions. (Photo: AP) It is no longer a question of whether climate change affects the planet forever walks for the worse. It is only about the extent of the climate catastrophe. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change makes this clear in a new report.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the risk of global warming can be reduced to some extent by limiting it to 1.5 degrees.